A time of change

As areas of the property that had been in full shade and under thick layers of pine straw are exposed to the warmth of the sun interesting plants are sprouting up everywhere.  When I first encountered this flower I had no idea what it was.  Then I learned it was called a May Apple.  It grows wild on the property and while easy to control spreads quickly.  The flowers are beautiful and it’s fun to pop open the fruit and suck the gelatinous material from the seeds on a hot summers day.


On the other hand wild blackberries, while welcome, have proved to be quit invasive.   I’m trying to keep them on the outside of the chain link fence and on the hill.  So far I haven’t been successful despite pulling out the young canes by the wheel barrow load.

20170529_Wild Black Berries

Wild Black Berries. May 2017

Two weeks ago we got a new addition to the family.  A young dog we found at the Animal Shelter.  I don’t know who adopted who but he’s proven to be a good fit for our family and we love him dearly.  He respects the garden and while he doesn’t chase the rabbits his presence seems to act as a deterrent.  We call him Gabe.  Short for Gabriel.


Gabriel. May 2017

A few days ago I heard knocking on the living room window and when I turned saw a finch.  It would go from one side of the window to the other and peck on the glass.  After thinking to myself how really strange this is I learned that he’s pecking at his reflection in the glass.  They are very territorial and it was nesting season.  He saw his reflection as a rival and was protecting his territory.


Finch. May 2017


The 4 inch pot of lemon balm planted in the bed off the patio about 3 years ago has spread nicely.  I cut it back to about 6 inches harvesting the tops for tea.  A tub filled with water made it easy to wash the leaves.  After shaking off most of the water I brought them inside to dry on the rack in my office.  I’m still thinking about that first cup of tea and how I’m going to store the dried leaves.


Lemon Balm. May 2017

It’s been a rainy spring and everything is lush and green.  The perennial bed is taking off and flower buds are beginning to open.


Plants in the garden are flourishing


Tomato (Celebrity?) May 2017


German Butterball Potatoes. May 2017

And I’m a happy girl.

“In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.” Abram L. Urban